Gingersnaps with Lemon Sugar

Gingersnaps really aren’t my favourite type of cookie, and I don’t necessarily reach for citrus desserts, but I decided to give this week’s Baked Sunday Morning recipe a try anyway.

I was mostly motivated by the fact that this is a one bowl, one spatula recipe, and it was really quick to mix up. The dough includes vegetable oil instead of butter, molasses, and of course ground ginger and cinnamon. My dough was really soft, and hard to roll into balls, and a little bit challenging to roll around in the lemon sugar.

The recipe notes that you can bake the cookies for 12-15 minutes for a chewy cookie, or 15-20 minutes for a crunchy cookie. I went with 12 minutes, because if I have to eat a gingersnap, I want it to be the chewy kind, not the crumbly kind.

My cookies turned out really flat, so I’m curious to see how my fellow recipe testers fared. They were crunchy around the edges, but chewy in the middle, and I was surprised the lemon sugar didn’t give them an overwhelming citrus flavour.

You can find the recipe here!

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