Lots happening in June as Summer kicked into high gear and I headed out on vacation for a week. I still tried to cook at home as much as possible, and may have discovered a new favourite recipe: Other non-foodie things I was obsessed with last month: Flashback!...
We had a Pride Bake Sale at work this week, and the group running it asked a few known bakers around the office if they wanted to help out. Obviously I said yes, and immediately got to work brainstorming which treats I wanted to make. I haven’t been baking a lot this year, so similar......
This month was jam-packed with so many activities, parties, pickleball and other fun things, but looking back, I still managed to cook a lot at home and even try some new recipes. Here’s what went down: Other non-foodie things I was obsessed with this month: Flashback!...
May is Asian Heritage Month, and as part of our celebrations at work, one of our employee resource groups organized a potluck. We were supposed to bring something that represented our own heritage, but I waffled on what to bring. I was originally going to bake some Banana Muffins, because they remind me of my......
I haven’t made this for dinner in years and I’m not quite sure why, as it used to be a staple in my rotation for a long time. I actually totally forgot about it until I was at lunch with some co-workers last week and one of them mentioned how they make an “egg roll......
I didn’t take a single picture of anything I cooked or baked this month, with the exception of this absolute stunner of a cake (more on that below). But I did spend a lot of time in the kitchen this month and need to document it: Other non-foodie things I was obsessed with this month:......
It was a fun month full of a few Toronto foodie adventures and a quick trip to Florida! But there was one major thing missing from this month… Other non-foodie things I was obsessed with this month: Flashback!...
Last year, I made my best bud Max a Guinness Chocolate Cake with Bailey’s Buttercream for his birthday, and decorated it with Lucky Charms. He loved it, and told me how when he was growing up in Ireland he would beg his mom to buy Lucky Charms, but they were ridiculously expensive. I filed that......
It seems like everyone is OBSESSED with protein right now. Watch any amount of foodie Tik Tok and you’ll be assaulted with ways to increase the protein in your meals/snacks/life. One of the ways to do this is via an ingredient I’ve avoided for my entire life: cottage cheese. I remember my Mom would sometimes......
I’ve recently become obsessed with the Cheddar Chive Egg Bites at Starbucks. I’m not sure if they’re a permanent part of the menu now, but in case they ever go away, I wanted to see if I could make them myself. I also find them super salty, so a version where I could control the......