Posts tagged with: birthday

This post is a VERY belated documentation of my niece’s Minecraft Birthday Cake from last August. At the time I guess I thought it was really too simple to blog about, and didn’t look like much, but have since learned much more about the world of Minecraft cakes. I thought I would post about this easy......
Today is my niece Rebecca’s 3rd Birthday, and I was convinced for this whole year that I’d be making a Frozen themed cake come December. To my surprise, my brother informed me that she wanted a “Shimmer & Shine” birthday cake. Shimmer & Shine, you say? Turns out this is Rebecca’s new favourite TV show......
Today we’re celebrating Martha Stewart’s birthday with a classic yellow cake/chocolate icing combination from Baked Occasions. Matt has a deep love for Martha which he writes about in the book, and while I wouldn’t consider myself a disciple, I can appreciate her domestic goddess-ness and attention to detail. This recipe is very straightforward, and I......
Well let’s get July started off right! As I mentioned the other day, June was not the greatest month on the foodie front over here. What I didn’t talk about was the greatest tragedy of all: it appears as though I’ve missed out on rhubarb this year. I’m going to see what I can find......
My littlest niece Rebecca turned two last week, and I was excited to make her birthday cake this year! Making cakes for her big brother and sister have been some of my favourite baking projects of the past few years, so I was eager to find out from my brother what she wanted. Until I......
A few months ago, my little niece Charlotte told me she wanted a Penguin Cake for her birthday. I had started to think a little bit about how I would execute this, when my brother asked me a few weeks ago if I would make her cake this month for her birthday party with her......
I have seriously been waiting to make this cake for an entire year. On Thanksgiving it’s a toss up between making Fall-themed desserts, or concocting a ridiculous birthday cake for myself. Last year, I kind of combined the two with this Caramel Apple Cake, but that meant putting this beast on the back burner. I......
Last Spring, shortly after her brother’s Front-End Loader Birthday Cake, I asked my niece what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday, and got a request for a Princess Cake. My first vision was of one of those creepy cakes with the Barbie stuck in the middle (just do a google image search for Barbie......
I’ve just passed the one-year mark at my new job, and in some ways it still feels like I just started, but in others it feels like I’ve been there forever. One of my new co-workers has two super cute little boys and asked me to make their birthday cakes this summer. The first one......
  Do you know the difference between a Front-End Loader, Digger, Excavator and Grinder? I sure do, thanks to extensive Google Image searches last week in preparation for my nephew’s cake for his 4th birthday.  He was pretty specific about what he wanted, but when I saw him the day before his birthday and asked......