Posts tagged with: birthday

Happy Blog-iversary to me! I can’t believe it’s been one year and 97 posts (!) since I started Planet Byn! I love my little blog so much, and want to thank you for reading and supporting me over the past year (and eating the benefits!). I’m actually in Halifax for work right now, but I’ll be having a......
Most of the baking I do is with my friends or family in mind. I rarely bake things just for me, because dangerous things happen, whereby I usually eat way too many treats. So I always have to bake when people are coming over, or I can bring leftovers to work. My birthday is the......
It was my birthday last weekend, and I thought before I blogged about this year’s treat, I should document my cake from last year. Since my birthday always falls right after Thanksgiving, I usually make myself a birthday cake for Thanksgiving dessert. My oldest nephew and niece are old enough now that they love to......