Shimmer & Shine

Today is my niece Rebecca’s 3rd Birthday, and I was convinced for this whole year that I’d be making a Frozen themed cake come December. To my surprise, my brother informed me that she wanted a “Shimmer & Shine” birthday cake. Shimmer & Shine, you say? Turns out this is Rebecca’s new favourite TV show about two cute little cartoon genies.

My brother suggested a magic carpet cake, and if I had more time I might have tried to make that happen, except this year I didn’t take any time off work for the holidays, and we were celebrating Rebecca’s birthday on Boxing Day. Instead, I took some inspiration from this cake, and made my own Shimmer & Shine sprinkle mix, with pink/purple/blue sprinkles from Bulk Barn and edible silver stars I found at Micheal’s.

Sparkles & Sprinkles

The cake was Smitten Kitchen’s classic 1-2-3-4 cake with a hefty scoop of pink/purple/blue sprinkles mixed in and frosted with My Favourite Buttercream tinted purple. I used a large, round, plain tip to pipe the poofs around the top, and then filled in the top with sprinkles. I printed off a picture of Shimmer and Shine, taped it to construction paper, and taped that to a skewer that I stuck in. Overall it couldn’t be easier, and the birthday girl totally loved it!

Rebecca’s Previous Birthday Cakes:

2nd (Thomas the Tank)