Posts tagged with: cinnamon

You will never, ever catch me eating an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie. I’m not against raisins per se; they have their rightful place in the bottom of butter tarts and these Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies I’ve been making lately. But for whatever reason, I just will not tolerate them in an Oatmeal Cookie. The Baked Boys......
I did not have my act together when it came to PUMPKIN SZN this year. I was busy, and not organized, and then it seemed like all of a sudden Christmas Cookie planning time was here, and pumpkin had to step out of the way! I did crack open a can to make a Pumpkin Pie at......
I’ve really been trying to attack my Pumpkin Pinterest board this Fall, and this Pumpkin Cinnamon Swirl Bread has been my white whale. It’s not really something you can throw together at 10pm (my usual baking time these days), so I needed a day with no plans to make it happen. And a couple of......
We’re currently going through a major change at my work. Last week, we moved to a brand new office without cubicles or assigned seating. It’s totally open, and you can sit wherever you want. There are different types of workspaces depending on what you need to do that day, for example, collaboration spaces, a quiet zone,......
Apple picking was the last thing on my mind this September due to the sauna-like weather we were having around here. When I finally got it together to check the Chudleigh’s schedule last week, I learned that Honeycrisp season is long gone (those are my favourite variety), but Fuji, Mutsu and Ambrosia were still available......
I know there’s no topic more boring than the weather, but it’s really messing up my baking vibes this Fall. This should be the time of year where crisp, cool breezes are coming through my open windows, a pumpkin-scented candle is burning, and I’m happily in the kitchen baking the the day away. Instead, the......
Welcome to a brand new round of Baked Sunday Mornings! Since the Baked boys don’t have a new cookbook out, we’re throwing it back to their very first book, Baked: New Frontiers in Baking. I learned about this book when I started reading Smitten Kitchen and bought it sometime in 2009 or 2010. I actually blogged about......
I already have an Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe that I love, but I was still looking forward to trying the Baked Occasions version this week. This is a pretty standard cookie recipe, with a few exceptions: Instead of adding the rolled oats whole, you grind the majority of them up in a food processor first......
This week for Baked Sunday Morning, we’re baking Chocolate Cinnamon Sugar Cookies. They’re actually supposed to be Chocolate Cinnamon Chipotle Sugar Cookies, but I wasn’t too keen on that. I have enough problems with mixing chocolate and cinnamon together, so I just left the chipotle powder out. The dough for these cookies was easy to......
This recipe was one of the last ones I tested for Baked Occasions about three years ago! I can’t believe it was that long ago, and I also can’t believe how many recipes we’ve made out of the book! I’ll be so sad when we’re done; this is truly one of my favourite things. I......