Posts tagged with: cinnamon

When Danielle and I went to Atlanta last year, one of the places we went for brunch was Highland Bakery. It was actually my least favourite meal of the weekend, but it was saved by one special thing. We bought little mini sweet potato scones from the bakery case up front to snack on while......
Someone asked me last week how many cookies I make in December. I replied that I usually make about 10 different types of cookies, but she came back at me wanting to know the total volume. I guessed about two dozen of each type, so somewhere in the neighbourhood of 250 cookies. The look of shock on her......
Christmas is coming early to Planet Byn, and we’re celebrating the release of Rosie Daykin’s new book, Butter Celebrates! You’ll remember the Butter Baked Goods Bakery from previous gushing here (when I visited the store in Vancouver last year) and here (when we hosted a giveaway for Rosie’s first book a year ago). I was......
Last December I made a bold declaration on this here blog of mine: I was done with apple pie. I had finally had enough after making Saveur magazine’s Salted Caramel Apple Pie for Christmas, and was ready to put that out into the world. I often have trouble with pie in general, mostly because I......
There’s really only a certain section of society that understands the importance of peach season. The citizens of Winona for one (Hi Alexis!) and my food blogging friends. It’s the most wonderful time of the year. I only had one item on my peach to-do list for 2015: dumplings or bust. Like most great successes......
It’s time for the recap of my annual Champagne & Cookies Christmas party! Last year there was a snowstorm on the night of the party, so I nervously started checking the weather about a week before, and it was nothing but clear skies. Hooray! Since I went on a little trip to NYC the weekend......
When I returned from my various travels at the end of October, I still had a crisper full of Empire apples from my trip to Chudleigh’s. I didn’t feel like making apple butter, but needed another recipe that would use up the rest of my beauties before they started to take a turn. I immediately......
So I have actually made Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls before, but as if I would pass up a chance to try the Baked boys’ recipe! I don’t need that much of an excuse to make spiced, carby goodness, and I mixed these up last weekend, which was Thanksgiving up here in the great white north. This......
Pumpkin Spice products are so trendy right now, as evidenced by the pictures my friends sent me when they were shopping at Target in the States last week. The products included, but were not limited to: M&Ms, marshmallows, Pop-Tarts, Oreos, chocolate bars, Jell-O pudding and even Pumpkin Spice Sweet Potato Chips. Attention packaged food companies......
Blueberries have really gotten the short end of the stick here on Planet Byn. I’m not really sure why, as I can remember baking various blueberry cakes over the past few summers, but I haven’t blogged about them, or ever done a blueberry series here. That’s ending this week! It might have something to do......