Posts tagged with: breakfast

  In the battle for top stone fruit of my heart, peaches just win out over cherries. But the thing with fresh cherries is that I just don’t like to bake with them. This is mainly because there aren’t many left to use after I eat them all as a snack, but also due to a pre-blog......
I made these scones a few months ago, and they kind of got lost in the shuffle. I thought I would post them today, before it turns into summer fruit central around here. I’m that odd person that doesn’t drink coffee on a regular basis, but loves coffee flavoured things. For this reason, I’m that weirdo......
Malt powder is something that’s only really been on my radar for the last few years, starting with the recipe for Brewer’s Blondies from the first Baked cookbook. I could never find it in the grocery stores around here, so I brought back a container from Florida when I was down there last Fall. I......
I know, I know, who wants to hear about bran muffins, right? But here’s the thing, I’ve been working so much the last few weeks there just hasn’t really been time for any fun baking projects. This morning I realized I hadn’t posted in almost two weeks and I didn’t even have anything to blog about.......
My track record with yeast has not been that great. I thought I had things under control when I made pizza dough back in the summer, but then the next time I made it the dough was too wet, and on the third attempt it was too dry. I hate wasting ingredients, so I was......
Updated with a new picture June 29, 2015 My friend Kathleen is a pretty amazing person overall, but especially in the kitchen. She works a full-time job and still manages to make wholesome nutritious meals for her family (husband and almost 2 year old daughter) every night. On Sundays she kicks it old school and......
Baby Wall 2.0 is here! Lydia & Andrew’s new baby Dylan Jackson was born last Sunday afternoon, while I was stuck at the most vile hotel in history on my way back from my work trip. I had my fingers crossed for the two weeks I was away hoping that this little one would ignore his......
Every once in a while I like to bust out my waffle iron for a lazy Sunday morning treat. I wanted a waffle maker for the longest time, and then my Mom’s best friend gave me one for Christmas! Amazing! It’s been a bit of trial and error to find a good recipe, and this......
When you invite people over at 5am to watch the Royal Wedding, you better provide some good eats to make the visit worthwhile. Yes, I am one of those people who booked April 29th off work way back in November when Prince William & Kate’s wedding date was announced. My Mom, her friend Janet, and......
The first stage of my Elimination Challenge is over! Two weeks of pure, whole eating are behind me, and now we move on to the re-introduction phase. There is a particular order and a few rules to follow when re-introducing foods, and the heavy hitters are first up: Wheat, Dairy, Eggs. You basically try to eat something from your designated re-introduction food group at......