Drunk Bundt Inside

St. Patrick’s Day is coming up this Thursday, so this week’s Baked Sunday Morning assignment was a DRUNK BUNDT cake, and I am here for it.  There’s almost a full can of Guinness in the cake and both whiskey and Bailey’s in the glaze. Woof.

I have to say, I am against most of the baking projects that correspond with St. Patrick’s Day. If you want to know what I’m talking about, just type in “St. Patrick’s Day treats” into the search bar on Pinterest. A horrifying number of disgusting posts will pop up, with various desserts either dyed a shocking shade of green, incorporating Lucky Charms cereal, or both. There are also a ton of chocolate/mint treats, which I will never understand, because that flavour combination has zero to do with St. Patrick’s Day, with the exception of being green.

Drunk Bundt Slice

Back to this cake. There’s a similar one in the Planet Byn archives, but this one is better. It’s super hydrated because of all the beer (I used a Vanilla Porter from Mill Street) and it’s not actually that sweet. The glaze is next level, because it’s actually a cream cheese/Bailey’s combo (I left out the whiskey). I tested one piece and will bring the rest to work on Thursday. My co-workers won’t know what hit them!

Drunk Bundt

You can find the recipe here!

More Baked Sunday Mornings here!