Honeycomb Bars

Even though I’ve had Baked: New Frontiers in Baking for about 10 years, I’ve never even thought about making these Honeycomb Bars. Something about all those almonds and dried cherries just never appealed to me. But that’s the fun of Baked Sunday Mornings! Not only making things you’ve been meaning to try forever, but giving these overlooked recipes a chance.

So what’s happening in these Honeycomb Bars? The base is a thin, crisp layer of shortbread that’s topped with a soft honey caramel filled with toasted almonds and dried cherries. It’s easy to make (you just need a candy thermometer for the caramel), but I have to say I wasn’t blown away by these. I probably have the biggest sweet tooth of anyone you know, and even I found these to be too sweet! I’m bringing them in to work tomorrow, so we’ll see what my taste testers have to say.

You can find the recipe here!

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