Posts tagged with: lemon

You may remember that when I left my old job at the beginning of last summer, my former co-workers sent me off with a two week farewell treat tour. They took turns either baking something or buying treats to bring in, as a thank you for all the goodies I brought to them over the......
When I was sick back in June and lying around on my couch drinking hot water with honey and lemon, I pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I was going to completely miss rhubarb season this year. I accepted the sad tragedy that it would be a rhubarb-less summer here on Planet Byn.......
Well let’s get July started off right! As I mentioned the other day, June was not the greatest month on the foodie front over here. What I didn’t talk about was the greatest tragedy of all: it appears as though I’ve missed out on rhubarb this year. I’m going to see what I can find......
When Mother’s Day and Baked Sunday Morning collide, you know you’re in for a treat. Our recipe for this week was an Ultralemony Lemon Bundt Cake with Almond Glaze, and it was the perfect end to dinner with my Mom. The Baked boys sure love their bundt cakes, and they’re one of my favourite things......
I’m so sick of complaining about the weather. We’re pretty much at the end of March, and have barely had temperatures above zero here, much less in double digits like I’m normally hoping for this time of year. I seriously can’t wait for Spring which I feel will bring me an improved mental state that......
Gingersnaps really aren’t my favourite type of cookie, and I don’t necessarily reach for citrus desserts, but I decided to give this week’s Baked Sunday Morning recipe a try anyway. I was mostly motivated by the fact that this is a one bowl, one spatula recipe, and it was really quick to mix up. The......
Our assignment this week was a savoury shortbread cookie with three flavours: lemon, pecorino cheese and black pepper. This actually didn’t seem strange to me, as Barefoot Contessa has a recipe in one of her books for a parmesan thyme savoury shortbread, which she refers to as a cracker. My more pressing concern was all......
Summer has arrived in all it’s hot, humid, sweaty glory. After complaining all winter about the polar vortex, I have vowed to embrace this summer, and any time where I start to complain about something heat related, I flash back to every freaking layer of clothing I had to put on back in January, and......
I usually love quiche; buttery, flaky crust, rich custard, and delicious filling combinations. Unfortunately this quiche was not for me, and was borderline inedible. I re-read the recipe both during and after baking just to make sure I made it correctly. I did. It’s gross. My Mom and I ate this for lunch today and......
Food Network Canada has started showing Barefoot Contessa episodes again on Sunday mornings at 10am, and I just can’t get enough. After Anna Olson’s show Sugar, BC was my #2 obsession when I started watching Food Network over 10 years ago. I loved everything about Ina: her house, her cooking, her entertaining style, and of......