Okay, so it appears I have more of a baking blog backlog than I thought! I’m on the case, and first up, a quick post about my second try at sugar cookies with royal icing.

I made these for my niece Amy’s second birthday party, using the same recipe and steps as my first try on St. Patrick’s Day.  I made a bold move using three colours instead of one (haha).

I was only medium-happy with the way they turned out. I outlined all the yellow centres first, and in retrospect, I think they’re a bit too big. Next time, I would make them smaller, and trace individual petals, like I tried on that one cookie you can see on the top. I also found that the colours sort of blended together around the yellow border, and maybe this was because I didn’t let the outlines dry long enough before filling them in.  I know this is just nitpicking, and they tasted great, but I think I can still do better!

Truthfully, I was also in a bit of a rush making them, and was flustered as this was my first baking project in my new teeny, tiny kitchen (more on that later!).  My other niece Charlotte turns three in August, so at that point I will tackle butterflies (she loves them), and try piping detail on top. Until then!