Posts filed under: Baked Sunday Mornings

When Mother’s Day and Baked Sunday Morning collide, you know you’re in for a treat. Our recipe for this week was an Ultralemony Lemon Bundt Cake with Almond Glaze, and it was the perfect end to dinner with my Mom. The Baked boys sure love their bundt cakes, and they’re one of my favourite things......
When Spring rolls around, there are three ingredients that I automatically gravitate towards: carrot, lemon and coconut. My Easter dessert usually centres around one of those three things, although this year I was in Florida for Easter weekend, so didn’t have a chance to do any baking. Luckily, we had this magnificent Easter Coconut Sheet......
I’m so sick of complaining about the weather. We’re pretty much at the end of March, and have barely had temperatures above zero here, much less in double digits like I’m normally hoping for this time of year. I seriously can’t wait for Spring which I feel will bring me an improved mental state that......
Texas Sheet Cake isn’t really a thing up here in the Great White North. I hadn’t heard of it until about 2008 when I started reading food blogs, and saw The Pioneer Woman’s recipe. Her recipe is a thin chocolate cake that you top with a boiled chocolate and pecan frosting, and it’s supposed to......
I’ve always liked the mythology surrounding Groundhog Day. Where I live in Canada, we look to a little critter called Wiarton Willie to predict the length of our winter, but I’ve always been partial to Punxsutawney Phil from Pennsylvania. He’s just so much cuter. I’ll definitely pay attention tomorrow morning to see if both Willie......
Gingersnaps really aren’t my favourite type of cookie, and I don’t necessarily reach for citrus desserts, but I decided to give this week’s Baked Sunday Morning recipe a try anyway. I was mostly motivated by the fact that this is a one bowl, one spatula recipe, and it was really quick to mix up. The......
I know, I know, this sounds crazy, but you have to put your trust in the Baked boys for this one. This is a New Year’s Day cake, the thought behind which is that a little more booze in your dessert will help take the edge off your hangover from the night before. I wouldn’t......
My fellow Baked Sunday Morning members are making this glorious Wintermint Cake today, and it’s so perfect for the season. It’s three layers of rich chocolate cake, stacked up with peppermint chocolate ganache and peppermint buttercream. Can’t you just picture eating a lovely slice with a cup of hot chocolate, or coffee spiked with Bailey’s,......
Date Squares hold an extra special place in my heart as my Aunt Joan makes the best ones in the world. I’ve only ever eaten the ones she makes, and haven’t had them in about 10 years, but I refuse to eat any others so I don’t muddle my memory of hers. Until now! For......
It’s my first Baked Sunday Morning from Baked Occasions! Yay! The group actually started a couple weeks ago with these Election Palmiers, but I didn’t really feel like making my own puff pastry, plus I just knew that a S’MORES recipe would be the perfect place for me to start (evidence here). These cookies are......