Johnny Mac turned 6 last month, and although I tried to sway him one way (“Are you sure you don’t want Star Wars cookies again?”), he definitely had his own ideas about the treats he wanted (“Well, actually, Auntie Robyn, can’t you make some Marvel cookies?”). After learning my lesson with his sister’s magic wand cookies, I knew to go straight to my friend Google. I used these two links as inspiration, and off I went on another royal icing adventure.

Here’s what I learned this time.

1. You don’t necessarily need a cookie cutter; I just traced the shapes I wanted onto construction paper, cut them out, and used them as a guide to cut out the shapes with a sharp knife.

2. AmeriColor is the bomb. I picked up a little bottle of red AmeriColor back in April at Golda’s Kitchen supply store in Mississauga, just to try it out. It’s amazing. I will definitely choose these over the Wilton gel pots in the future. With AmeriColor, you just squeeze the food colouring into your icing, whereas with Wilton you have to use toothpicks to scoop out the colouring, and it can get a little messy and annoying.

3. Patience & Planning. This isn’t anything new, but as I’ve commented before, this is the key to all royal icing adventures. I baked the cookies on Thursday night, piped on the outlines on Friday night, flooded on Saturday morning, and piped on the Spiderman detail on Saturday night.

John loved them, and Debbie said he was sad when they were all gone! Another success! On to planning Charlotte’s Blues Clues cake for her birthday in August 🙂