Icebox Cupcakes
Like so many other things in my foodie life, I had never heard of an Icebox Cake until I saw it on Smitten Kitchen a few years ago. The idea behind it is that you stack up chocolate wafer cookies with whipped cream, and let the whole thing set in the fridge overnight. The cookies absorb some of the moisture from the whipped cream and soften, so you can actually cut the whole thing like a cake. Sounds delicious and super easy, too.

Now, our friends at Baked have taken this dessert to the next level in Baked Occasions, and turned it into a beautiful Rainbow Icebox Cake to celebrate Gay Pride. Their version is made of homemade chocolate cookies, stacked up with six different colours of whipped cream and topped with rainbow sprinkles. It’s so beautiful, but here’s the inside scoop: this was the most challenging recipe for the group of testers that worked on Baked Occasions. This is due to the assembly of the cake, the consistency of the whipped cream, and trying to keep all the colours from bleeding together. I wasn’t assigned this recipe to test, but hearing about it from my BSM friends kind of scared me away from making it. I also just made a Rainbow Cake two weeks ago for my niece, so I was kind of feeling ROYGBIV’ed out.

Rainbow Icebox Cake

My solution? Bite Deb’s idea for Icebox Cupcakes! I made the Baked Boys’ recipe for Homemade Chocolate Cookies, and just stacked them up with some sweetened vanilla bean whipped cream, and topped them with rainbow sprinkles. Super easy, cute and absolutely addictive!

You can find the recipe here!

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