All posts by: byn

I basically spent this month trying to catch all my favourite fresh summer fruits before they vanished for the season, but here’s what I was up to in the meantime: How is it possible that I had never been to Wvrst before this month? I’m not quite sure. I organized a farewell party for my......
We’re at the tail-end of blueberry season where I live, so this week’s assignment is just in time! This is another one of the recipes I tested for Baked Occasions about two years ago, but I was happy to make it again. Santa also brought me a new tube pan last December, so I was......
I grew up watching my Mom make countless jars of strawberry jam and mustard pickles, but never really had any interest in canning myself.  Over the last few years, I’ve been making skillet jams that I can keep in the fridge, but recently I’ve been a bit jealous of my friends who are total canning......
You may remember that when I left my old job at the beginning of last summer, my former co-workers sent me off with a two week farewell treat tour. They took turns either baking something or buying treats to bring in, as a thank you for all the goodies I brought to them over the......
For a long time I have had a very real, very negative reaction to strawberries and goat cheese in salad. This stems, no doubt, from my aversion to Milestone’s, which I have explained at length in the past. They had* a salad with this combination on the menu in the early-mid aughts, when I ate......
Sometimes I have a moment when I see a new recipe and I’m like omgineedtomakethisrightaway and I can’t stop thinking about it. This becomes a problem when dealing with seasonal fruit, and rhubarb in particular, because if you don’t drop everything and make it right away, you’ll have to wait like a year for your......
So it’s August, and I’m still on rhubarb over here. I know that blueberries, cherries and peaches are waiting for me, so I’ve decided that this is the last week for rhubarb in my kitchen. I made some strawberry rhubarb jam yesterday, am working on a rhubarb recipe today that I’ve had bookmarked for THREE......
Today we’re celebrating Martha Stewart’s birthday with a classic yellow cake/chocolate icing combination from Baked Occasions. Matt has a deep love for Martha which he writes about in the book, and while I wouldn’t consider myself a disciple, I can appreciate her domestic goddess-ness and attention to detail. This recipe is very straightforward, and I......
After a low-key start to the summer, things really kicked into high gear over here. July felt long, hot and full of fun. Here’s what was happening on the foodie front: The Food Blogger Mafia descended on Taste of Toronto and unleashed a high degree of food snobbery all up in there. My favourite savoury dish......
When I was sick back in June and lying around on my couch drinking hot water with honey and lemon, I pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I was going to completely miss rhubarb season this year. I accepted the sad tragedy that it would be a rhubarb-less summer here on Planet Byn.......