Posts tagged with: shortbread

When Roe v. Wade was overturned in the US earlier this summer, Bakers Against Racism activated once again to raise money to protect reproductive rights. I knew right away I wanted to participate, because while abortion is legal in Canada, there are so many barriers in place that prevent equitable access. I wanted to raise......
Ontario peaches were so good this year! I was so excited, because last year they were definitely sub-par (at least the ones I bought). This Summer they were perfectly sweet, juicy and flavourful. I ate chopped peaches with yogurt and granola for my breakfast for about three weeks straight, and it was terrific. The only......
Strawberry Season!!! The best time of the year! Nothing can really top last year, when I picked my own berries and then made the best pie of all time. Of course this year is different, but I still got my hands on some Ontario strawberries from the little farmer’s market by my house. I’ve had......
I truly thought it would be a rhubarb-less year here on Planet Byn. Last year, without any new inspiration, I re-made a couple of my favourite recipes from the archives: Lemon Rhubarb Bundt Cake and Strawberry Rhubarb Tart with Brown Butter Crumble. So I thought I might just skip the whole thing this year, but......
Even though I’ve had Baked: New Frontiers in Baking for about 10 years, I’ve never even thought about making these Honeycomb Bars. Something about all those almonds and dried cherries just never appealed to me. But that’s the fun of Baked Sunday Mornings! Not only making things you’ve been meaning to try forever, but giving......
Every year when Winter seems to be dragging on forever, I start researching rhubarb recipes, so I’m ready to go when Spring finally arrives. So when I got a text from my friend Erin one weekend at the end of May asking if I wanted any rhubarb from her garden, I automatically knew what my first......
My friend Kristine’s asked me to make some sweets for her sister’s baby shower back in March, and I believe I responded “it is my joy in life to put together a treat table”. She knew she wanted Dolly’s Doughnut, plus two dozen vanilla cupcakes, and then we looked through some of my cookbooks and......
Someone asked me last week how many cookies I make in December. I replied that I usually make about 10 different types of cookies, but she came back at me wanting to know the total volume. I guessed about two dozen of each type, so somewhere in the neighbourhood of 250 cookies. The look of shock on her......
I feel like shortbread has a bad reputation as a “boring” Christmas cookie. I made a traditional whipped shortbread for my first Champagne & Cookies party back in 2010, and I think it was kind of overlooked. Partly my own fault, because when there are nine other treats to choose from, a plain shortbread cookie......
I feel like you often hear that it’s hard to make friends as an adult. I haven’t really found this to be the case, but I work in a huge company and have switched departments twice in the past three years, so have had the chance to meet a ton of new people. While it’s......