Posts tagged with: summer

Of all the baking I’ve done with rhubarb over the years, one of the things I’ve never paired it with is chocolate, and I wasn’t about to start now. I just don’t feel like that’s a good match AT ALL, which is why I swapped out the brownie layer of these squares for a blondie.......
Every year when Winter seems to be dragging on forever, I start researching rhubarb recipes, so I’m ready to go when Spring finally arrives. So when I got a text from my friend Erin one weekend at the end of May asking if I wanted any rhubarb from her garden, I automatically knew what my first......
Once again another summer has gone by on my blog without a savoury recipe post. It’s been all boozy cocktails and birthday cakes up in here. It’s true, my will to cook is zapped by 40° days, and there are a lot of snack dinners going on, but I did make a couple great things......
While I may not have figured out my signature summer cocktail just yet, here’s my Summer Sixteen signature dessert. I made this two weeks in a row, and considering I hardly every make the same thing twice, it automatically qualifies. This is what’s happening in this four layer party in a pie plate: Graham cracker......
Don’t get excited, this is not my Signature Summer Cocktail. The #1 rule of the SSC, as dictated by my friend Weedy, is that it has to be super simple and quick to mix up. This is definitely not that, but it’s so delicious and vibrant that we have to talk about it anyway. The......
This is hands-down the best summer breakfast you’re ever going to have. I started making breakfast crisps at the very beginning of this blog, when I adapted Smitten Kitchen’s Breakfast Apple Granola Crisp with an all-rhubarb version. Deb subsequently updated the recipe in her cookbook, and that’s been my go-to for the last few years.......
Finally, finally, finally I had S’mores Cupcake success!!! I don’t know what it is, but I have the worst luck ever with marshmallow frostings. Even when I’m so careful and follow every tip in the book – making sure my egg whites are room temperature, have no trace of yolks, using a metal bowl, wiping......
I’m boldly going where no Planet Byn recipe has gone before today: a savoury rhubarb recipe. I tried to make a rhubarb chutney once and it was a disaster, so I’ve given other savoury rhubarb recipes the side eye ever since. Rhubarb barbecue sauce? No thanks. Raw rhubarb in a salsa? Nah. However, a rhubarb......
The collection of rhubarb based cocktails here on Planet Byn is getting quite extensive, and I love it. We’ve made two simple syrups to stir into cocktails, infused vodka with strawberries and rhubarb, made a margarita with a jam base, and last summer a delicious mojito. I had this mint julep recipe bookmarked since last......
Last week I got a text from my friend Nicole wishing me “Happy Rhubarb Season!”. She knows me so well! It is truly the most wonderful time of the year. I was in a momentary panic a few weeks ago looking through a Buzzfeed gallery on rhubarb recipes, thinking that I had reached the end......