Posts tagged with: recipes

I know, I know, who wants to hear about bran muffins, right? But here’s the thing, I’ve been working so much the last few weeks there just hasn’t really been time for any fun baking projects. This morning I realized I hadn’t posted in almost two weeks and I didn’t even have anything to blog about.......
Do you remember what you were doing on January 2, 2010? I don’t, but evidently I was bookmarking this recipe for S’mores Crème Brûlée. In my ongoing effort to work my way through my age old favourites folder, I decided to make these for my Oscar gathering last night....
I feel pretty confident telling you that this is the first, last, and only time you’ll see something on Planet Byn made with mixes. (With the possible exception of Mila’s 1st Birthday Smash Cake in a few weeks, but no one’s going to actually eat that, so I feel it’s justified). (Oops and those Red......
After Champagne & Cookies, I’m usually cookie-ed out for a while, but I broke my hiatus for this delicious treat. I was happy to make this recipe because I had it bookmarked on both my work computer and personal laptop; so I got double the satisfaction because I got to delete it twice. This has been......
  This post has nothing to do with baking, and everything to do with Whitney Houston. Just a warning up front.  ...
  Let’s talk Whoopie Pies! The previous two versions I’ve blogged about were both from Baked: Red Velvet and Pumpkin, both with cream cheese filling. I was interested in trying these ones mostly because of the filling, a Swiss Vanilla Meringue Icing that I’ve always been too intimidated to try before....
Cinnamon sugar soft pretzels from Auntie Anne’s are one of the small joys of my life. One of the only upsides to getting a connecting flight vs. direct through the states, is that I get to have one as my layover snack, which is just lovely. (Except you Miami International, wtf?! I had a eight hour layover......
  Disclaimer: I’ve never actually watched the Superbowl. However, since I watched the entire Friday Night Lights series on DVD last year, I feel like I could watch tomorrow and have at least half a clue as to what’s going on. But since there’s no Tim Riggins on the field, no Coach on the sidelines, and......
Look it’s another seafood post! Not really, just some cheese straws rolled out and cut into little fishie crackers. I saw this idea on Smitten Kitchen a year ago, and of course picked up a fish cookie cutter the next time I was at Bulk Barn. So it took me a little longer than expected......
  You may or may not have noticed a severe lack of seafood recipes over here on Planet Byn. Seeing as how my whole family is from the Maritimes, my seafood aversion is pretty much a genetic mystery. The only fish I eat is plain white: tilapia, halibut, grouper, mahi mahi. So Brooke is here......