Posts tagged with: bread

Last month my new friend Sandra from Dairy Farmer’s of Canada dropped off a few of the winning cheeses from the 2013 Canadian Cheese Grand Prix (yes! there is such a thing!). The Grand Champion winner was Quality Inc.’s Ricotta Cheese, and it was the first time a fresh cheese has won the whole competition.......
Happy Easter! I had an amazing Easter dinner tonight (preceded by an Easter egg hunt in my childhood park!) and am currently on the couch digesting, in disbelief that tomorrow is April 1st. Back at the end of February, I made one goal for March: Hot Cross Buns or BUST. They’ve been on my to-bake......
Happy New Year to all! I always talk about my favourite posts of the past year and food goals for this year during my blog-iversary in February, so instead I’ll tell you about the one major, life-changing resolution happening on Planet Byn. For 2013, I have resolved to do all the dishes before I go......
Thought it was about time to tackle another baking project with yeast, after making those soft pretzels for the Superbowl back in February. I feel like I’m really getting the hang of the whole process, although I still need to start with a clean kitchen and a deep breath before beginning....
So it was already a good foodie week for me a couple of weeks ago after meeting Matt and Renato from Baked at Yorkdale. The next day I found out Chuck Hughes would be at Walmart in Mississauga on Saturday afternoon. Kind of random, but obviously a must attend for me.  When my co-workers and......