Posts filed under: Monthly Recaps

This month was a blur! There was a lot going on outside of the kitchen, plus two very special cake orders! Here’s what I was up to: Working outside of the Financial District is really cramping my ‘after-work drinks’ style, but I did get down there to try one new spot this month with Krishna......
Life got back to normal this past month after the craziness of Funemployment and starting my new job, but most of my brain capacity was taken up with work and prepping for Thanksgiving. It was also my birthday! More on all of that below: First of all, shout to all the fans of The Hills......
This month was a whirlwind of saying goodbye to one of my best friends, enjoying funemployment and starting a brand new job. Here’s what was happening on the foodie front: My friend Jen moved to Switzerland! I’m so excited and happy for her, but I was very sad to say goodbye. For her epic farewell......
As I alluded to in an earlier post, this was the craziest month I’ve had in a long time on a personal level. I quit my job at the company I’ve worked at for the past 15 years! I still can’t even believe I did it! In September I’ll be starting my new job at......
This month was relatively quiet leading up to a quick road trip to Cleveland at the end of the month to see Jay-Z & Beyonce’s On The Run II Tour! I have a few recommendations should you ever find yourself there: First up: Mabel’s BBQ. I heard about this on the House of Carbs podcast,......
Summer arrived in full effect this month, and I really tried to make the most of it! Here’s what I was up to on the foodie front: My friend Nicole and I met up for lunch at Mary Be Kitchen. This is a super cute, healthy, fast casual style restaurant opened up by my old......
I’m conditioned to think that May 1 is the beginning of summer because of the way my university terms were structured, and I definitely felt a lightness in my spirit this month after a depressing spring. This month was centred around my trip to New Orleans, but there were a couple foodie outings back here......
I was so focused on my friend’s Wedding Cake for the first half of the month, and then recovering after it was over, that I really didn’t get up to much else. I do, however, have three pizza related items to discuss: We had TWO Pizza Club Book Clubs this month, since we missed the one......
I read somewhere that March is like the Tuesday afternoon of months, and it’s so true. I didn’t go to Florida this year like I usually do, so the month felt extra long and kind of blah. I did do a few fun food related things, so here we go: For our Book Club/Pizza Club......
Ah, nothing like a classic February hibernation month! It was a pretty quiet month, which was just what I needed: I went to check out the new Assembly Chef’s Hall with my friends from work. It’s essentially an elevated food court, with about a dozen stalls for some of Toronto’s best chefs. The whole thing......