Posts filed under: Monthly Recaps

I personally love September, and the whole ‘back to school’ of it all. Routines are re-established, cooking dinner starts happening again, and boots and scarves come out of hibernation. Unless you live in Southern Ontario, in which case it was hotter than the actual summer months around here. Here’s what happened in my foodie world......
Hope everyone had a nice Labour Day weekend! After a month of being away or busy every weekend, I decided to lay low, ignore my phone, and binge on The Mindy Project. Take a look at what else I was up to in August: The month kicked off with a weekend away at a friend’s......
I was so happy to realize that this is my one year anniversary of writing these monthly recaps! I think I shall continue to do so. My friend Kathleen told me she loves reading them (Hi Katy!), and I like looking back at my month and seeing what I was up to. Now that I’ve......
It was a bittersweet month here on Planet Byn as I left my department of the past two years and moved on to a new one. I’m going to miss my co-workers tremendously; they were excellent snackers and eaters of all baked goods I brought in. The first two weeks of June were my last......
Well, this month started off with your friend Byn dodging a huge bullet over here: JURY DUTY. Thank goodness for that because it left the month open for lots of fun: I took a little lunchtime adventure to Tabule on Queen East as Carole‘s been raving about their falafel for a while now. We met......
I feel like everyone was slowly coming out of hibernation this month, and all of a sudden April was packed with stuff to do. I’ve already written about a few things (YEASTER, Gastropost’s 100th Mission Party, Easter) but here are a few more foodie related activities I got up to: I went to Spadina Museum......
I’ve been slowly emerging from my winter hibernation, and had an excellent month of eating, both out and in, during March. I felt like I was back on my blogging game, so you’ve already read about what was going on in my kitchen. Here’s what else was happening: March kicked off with the Oscars, and......
The darkest, dreariest month of the year is now behind us! Rejoice! February went by quickly (thank goodness), and I was knocked down by a stomach bug/flu (again), but did have a few highlights on the food front: Superbowl Sunday coincided with my Dad’s birthday this year, so we watched the game together and ate......
  Uhhh…this month was a bust y’all. I didn’t get up to much food-wise as I was knocked out with the flu for a week, and the polar vortex had me in major hibernation mode. Just a few notable things: I made a birthday cake for my friend Molly at the very beginning of the......
It was a fairly calm month here on Planet Byn, after many foodie outings in November. As I mentioned last month, I was done all my Christmas shopping by the end of November, so December was mostly spent at home, baking lots of cookies, having friends over, and staying cozy among snowfalls and ice storms.......