Posts filed under: Monthly Recaps

After a low-key start to the summer, things really kicked into high gear over here. July felt long, hot and full of fun. Here’s what was happening on the foodie front: The Food Blogger Mafia descended on Taste of Toronto and unleashed a high degree of food snobbery all up in there. My favourite savoury dish......
In my almost two years of writing these monthly recaps, there has never been a more depressing foodie month on Planet Byn. Bad conference food, restaurant disappointments, and yes, even a trip to T.G.I.Friday’s all went down. Pair that with the lingering effects of bronchitis, and then a sore throat/viral infection, and let’s just say......
The first half of this month revolved around researching and prepping for a long weekend trip to Atlanta (which I’ll write more about soon) and the second half was all about the weddings of two of my close friends. Here’s what I was up to in between: First of all, my beloved co-worker who is......
It was a fun, busy month on Planet Byn (as evidenced by the fact that it’s actually May 26th and I’m finally writing this). I kicked off the month in Florida, so first a bit on that, and then a recap of what else was going on: First of all, why are there so many......
Still waiting for Spring over here, but there were a lot of fun foodie adventures this month to distract me from the weather: My month-long obsession, which is still continuing, is Take a Megabite’s Oatmeal cooked in Almond Milk. I usually just grab a packet of the no-name natural stuff (no flavouring, so sweetener) and......
I jinxed myself last month, talking about how I didn’t find January all that bad, because of course it all came crashing down in February. I was in major grumpy hibernation mode, but luckily had a quick trip to Las Vegas at the end of the month to look forward to: Nicole came over for......
I’m happy to report that it was a pretty good January on Planet Byn! I’m normally in grumpy hibernation mode, but was actually in fairly good cheer this month. I didn’t eat out much, but I cooked a lot at home. Here’s what I was up to on the food front: My friend Christina hosted......
December always goes by so quickly, and even more so this year, as I went back to NYC for another quick trip at the very beginning of the month (I’m going to write a detailed recap of my NYC Eats). When I wasn’t baking cookies or wrapping presents, here’s what I was up to: I......
I usually find November a pretty chill month after everything going on in October, and this year was no exception. Lots of family time, friends time, baking time, and almost all of my Christmas shopping is done! Here’s what else was happening:     Let’s start off with a confession: I love Lone Star. Seriously,......
October is always a packed month for me, with Thanksgiving, my birthday and Halloween, plus this month I had trips to NYC & Vancouver in the mix as well, so there was a lot going on. Besides my favourite baking project of the year, I didn’t get up to that much while I was in......