Posts filed under: Monthly Recaps

Have you ever had a month that seemed to go by fast, but when you think about the stuff you did at the beginning of said month, seemed so long ago? That’s how I felt about May. It was long and full of fun stuff to do, which was very necessary to pull me out......
I feel like April is usually a pretty neutral month where nothing much happens, but this month it was long and weird and emotional. We had lay-offs at my work, a family friend passed away and Beyonce’s new album turned out to be all about Jay Z cheating on her. Here’s what else went down:......
There was so much fun baking to do this month with St. Patrick’s Day and Easter falling within a week or so of each other. It was a busy time in and out of the kitchen, and here’s what went down: I surprised my friend Carole at The Depanneur, where she was hosting a drop......
Without a doubt, this was the easiest February in recent history. Normally this is my most dreaded month of the year, but with only one -30 day, and no big dumps of snow, I sailed through with my mental health in tact! Had some fun along the way too: The month kicked off with a......
For the second year in a row, it was a pretty easy January over here! No crazy cold days or huge dumps of snow meant I was still in pretty good cheer throughout the month. Because I was back in the meal-planning/cooking dinners at home routine, I didn’t get out that much, but here’s what......
December was totally crazy with holiday parties, dinners with friends, preparing for Champagne & Cookies and getting ready for Christmas. I’ll hit you with the highlights: I had a catch-up dinner at Trevor with my friend Heather, and we ordered all the bar snacks, my favourite of which was the buffalo fried cauliflower with dill......
This month started with a trip to London, which I will write about soon, and was obviously the highlight of the month (and year!). We almost don’t need a separate recap for November, except for a couple special things (coughFRINGScough): Back in September, Drake surprised us all with the grand opening for a new restaurant......
It was actually a quiet month here on Planet Byn, which I needed after a busy September and an upcoming trip the first week of November. No new places to tell you about, but I did go to some of my faves: There was Bannock to celebrate my former co-worker’s last day before Maternity Leave......
Mindy Kaling has said on Twitter that September should really be considered a Summer month, and I couldn’t agree more. It was freaking hot this month, and there was no way I was busting out the pumpkin. Here’s what was happening in the last month of Summer: Nicole came over for dinner and I made......
I basically spent this month trying to catch all my favourite fresh summer fruits before they vanished for the season, but here’s what I was up to in the meantime: How is it possible that I had never been to Wvrst before this month? I’m not quite sure. I organized a farewell party for my......