Posts filed under: Dinner

It’s currently 76 degrees in my condo (without the heat on) and the sun is shining in here, lighting the whole place up (and showing me all the places I need to dust, but whatever). Can this really be January? The month when we’re supposed to want to hibernate and eat comfort food?...
It’s been well documented that I love awards shows over here on Planet Byn, and that I consider the Golden Globes to be the Superbowl of award season. Of course, delicious eats are in order to watch the red carpet and ponder the reasons why Jessica Biel decided to wear her great-great-great-great grandmother’s wedding dress....
On a Sunday night in January, what more could you ask for? I’m such a sucker for baked pasta, and this has everything: tasty meatballs mixed with veggie loaded tomato sauce and pasta, covered with cheese. I actually made this back in November, but I so wish I was having this for dinner tonight. My......
The last time I made enchiladas must have been about eight years ago. I was trying to re-create what I was frequently eating at Mexican chain restaurants near my office, and the version I came up with (pieced together from a few recipes on was okay, but I remember it being very messy and time......
Happy 2012 all! I love January, because even though I don’t believe in New Years resolutions, I love the re-set that comes with the beginning of the year. I also love this time of year in the kitchen; the stress fun of Christmas cookie baking is over and it’s all about warm, delicious comfort food....
There are a few topics to address in this post, so let’s just start with the elephant in the room. I’m white. I’m female. I grew up (and live) in the suburbs. And yes, I love hip-hop. To most people in my world, this is no big deal. However, some people I’ve come across in my life have been......
Updated with a new picture December 4, 2018 I’m new to the chili game – this is not something my family ate growing up. My Mom hates beans, and as my Dad likes to say: “If Mom hates it, we don’t eat it”. Because of this, I was never a bean eater either, and never had experienced......
I’ve been on a taco bender ever since I started making my own tortillas at the end of the summer. To keep things interesting (and relatively healthy), I’ve been doing some roasted veggie fillings, like this one from Eat, Live, Run with roasted corn, red peppers and black beans, topped with chipotle sour cream and......
I miss my kitchen so much, you guys! I’ve been on the road for work (nowhere exciting) and there aren’t really any good eats to talk about*. I’ve been reading Gwyneth Paltrow’s new cookbook while I’m here (checked it out of the library – I was curious), and there are a few intriguing things I want......
I’m a little bit embarrassed to admit this, but after that episode of Top Chef Canada a few weeks ago, I made a special trip to Loblaws. Yes, I was totally brainwashed 🙂 Since I have a Metro right across the street, as well as in the same mall as my gym, I don’t really......