Posts filed under: Dinner

Sometimes “professional” food bloggers take themselves a little too seriously for my liking. By professional, I mean those who blog full-time, while I maintain my amateur status so I can blog in the Olympics (Bonus points if you get that Friends reference). I was trolling on a few of my favourites to my friend Jenn......
In January I usually refrain from bringing treats into the office, because I don’t like hearing everyone complain about how I’m ruining their New Year’s resolutions. I expected more of the same in my new job, however last week, someone put out a gigantic tray of Ferrero Rocher, and it was gone in about 12......
You know this thing the kids say these days – “pics or it didn’t happen”? On Planet Byn it’s like “blog or you didn’t eat it”. I swear, if I don’t blog about something I made, even if I LOVED it, I will promptly forget that it ever existed. I have made this pasta dish......
I’ve been posting a lot of dinner recipes lately, and I love it. I’m on a hot streak of kitchen hits and I have to document them here or I totally forget about them. I’ve actually made this TWICE in the past two months, which may not seem like a big deal, but to me......
Updated with a new picture January 12, 2017 As soon as the weather warms up, all thoughts of cozy comfort food will be lost. It’ll be all about green things and fresh vegetables and the annual tradition of trying to convince myself I like asparagus. So I’m logging this here for the Fall 2014 Byn,......
I love knowing what other people eat for dinner during the week. Do they cook a regular rotation of favourites or try new things? How do they grocery shop? One big shop on the weekend or little shops throughout the week? Do they plan specific meals or just create meals on the fly? I’m obsessed.......
Remember the good old days when there were still Olive Gardens in Toronto? My friends and I used to go in high school and I vividly remember having chicken parmesan there and it blowing my mind. Deep fried crunchy deliciousness topped with tomato sauce and so much cheese. Holy cow. Throw in the salad and......
Updated with a new picture May 25, 2016 I mentioned in my Blog-iversary post the other day that I wanted to stop feeling pressure to only post styled photos, because “Sometimes you make an amazing pizza and it’s 9pm, and it’s the most delicious thing you’ve eaten all week, and all you have is an......
When this week’s Raw vs. Slow mission was announced, I picked my side in no time. Team Raw is fine for the summer, when there’s lots of farm fresh produce around that doesn’t need any cooking, but in the depths of January, obviously I’m Team Slow. I knew right away that I wanted to make......
I have pretty high standards for a made-from-scratch weeknight meal. Obviously it has to taste good. If it’s fairly quick to pull together, that’s great too. The fewer pots it uses up the better. And if it reheats well for the lunch the next day, that’s a bonus. In the summer, these are easy criteria......