Posts filed under: Baked Sunday Mornings

I feel like shortbread has a bad reputation as a “boring” Christmas cookie. I made a traditional whipped shortbread for my first Champagne & Cookies party back in 2010, and I think it was kind of overlooked. Partly my own fault, because when there are nine other treats to choose from, a plain shortbread cookie......
Last December I made a bold declaration on this here blog of mine: I was done with apple pie. I had finally had enough after making Saveur magazine’s Salted Caramel Apple Pie for Christmas, and was ready to put that out into the world. I often have trouble with pie in general, mostly because I......
I’m a little behind, as the Baked Sunday Morning crew made these muffins two weeks ago. Two things though: a) that was Thanksgiving up here in Canada and I was baked out b) there was no way I was tackling today’s recipe. Not that I have anything against Baked Alaska, it’s just a fairly long......
I normally stay away from orange-flavoured recipes, but I made an exception for this breakfast. Last night I stood in the rain for two hours waiting for a TIFF screening, so I figured I could use some Vitamin C today, even if it was in pancake formation. The Baked boys are serving up these Orange......
We’re at the tail-end of blueberry season where I live, so this week’s assignment is just in time! This is another one of the recipes I tested for Baked Occasions about two years ago, but I was happy to make it again. Santa also brought me a new tube pan last December, so I was......
Today we’re celebrating Martha Stewart’s birthday with a classic yellow cake/chocolate icing combination from Baked Occasions. Matt has a deep love for Martha which he writes about in the book, and while I wouldn’t consider myself a disciple, I can appreciate her domestic goddess-ness and attention to detail. This recipe is very straightforward, and I......
I was so excited back in October to finally get my hands on a copy of Baked Occasions. Even though I had a preview of the book after testing out almost a dozen recipes, I couldn’t wait to see what other treats were inside. After the launch party at Baked Tribeca, I went back to......
Our Baked Sunday Morning project for this week was an Orange Buttermilk Picnic Cake with Chocolate Chips to celebrate the Fourth of July. The idea behind it is that it’s a single layer, easily transportable, sturdy cake that would be perfect to bring along to a picnic. I loved reading the Baked boys intro to......
Like so many other things in my foodie life, I had never heard of an Icebox Cake until I saw it on Smitten Kitchen a few years ago. The idea behind it is that you stack up chocolate wafer cookies with whipped cream, and let the whole thing set in the fridge overnight. The cookies......
Yesterday I celebrated the wedding of my dear friends Aoife & Brad at Vinelane Estates Winery in Niagara, Ontario. I brought home a bottle of red wine and whipped these up this afternoon because I knew they were on our Baked Sunday Mornings schedule. Ha! You guys know me better than that by now! In......