All posts by: byn

When strawberry season rolls around, I’m usually too busy eating them fresh to bake anything. This year I tried out a couple new things though, and liked them enough to post here. First up are these Strawberry Cornmeal Griddle Cakes, which were a lovely long weekend breakfast. I actually had some corncakes for brunch when......
The highlight of this month was my weekend in Chicago, and I’ll have a separate post on that up soon, because I have many things to say about all the food in this great city! In the meantime, here’s what else went on in July: I met my friend Heather down at Harbourfront, and we......
When one of your foodie friends is celebrating a big birthday, it’s time to bust out the big guns with a special cake. For Tasty G‘s big day, it had to be a Take 5 Birthday Cake. I wasn’t acquainted with the Take 5 Candy Bar until I met Heather. It’s her favourite, and whenever......
I haven’t really done that much baking this month, as evidence by my lack of posts. I’ve been busy outside the kitchen, and also it is so. freaking. hot. I did make a couple of pretty amazing layer cakes in June and July, so I wanted to document them here. First up is this gorgeous......
This is hands-down the best summer breakfast you’re ever going to have. I started making breakfast crisps at the very beginning of this blog, when I adapted Smitten Kitchen’s Breakfast Apple Granola Crisp with an all-rhubarb version. Deb subsequently updated the recipe in her cookbook, and that’s been my go-to for the last few years.......
Baked Sunday Mornings is celebrating Canada Day today by remixing a classic Canadian dessert: Nanaimo Squares. My Mom always made these at Christmas time when I was growing up, but many Canadian families (ahem, Danielle) enjoy them all year round. For my American friends, here’s a quick lesson. A traditional Nanaimo Square consists of three......
Summer has arrived in full effect, and I fully enjoyed it and soaked up as much of it as I could before being knocked out by a summer cold: My friend Weedy and her son Ronan had me over for dinner, and it was such a treat. Weedy’s signature summer cocktail is the Negroni, and......
Finally, finally, finally I had S’mores Cupcake success!!! I don’t know what it is, but I have the worst luck ever with marshmallow frostings. Even when I’m so careful and follow every tip in the book – making sure my egg whites are room temperature, have no trace of yolks, using a metal bowl, wiping......
I’m boldly going where no Planet Byn recipe has gone before today: a savoury rhubarb recipe. I tried to make a rhubarb chutney once and it was a disaster, so I’ve given other savoury rhubarb recipes the side eye ever since. Rhubarb barbecue sauce? No thanks. Raw rhubarb in a salsa? Nah. However, a rhubarb......
The collection of rhubarb based cocktails here on Planet Byn is getting quite extensive, and I love it. We’ve made two simple syrups to stir into cocktails, infused vodka with strawberries and rhubarb, made a margarita with a jam base, and last summer a delicious mojito. I had this mint julep recipe bookmarked since last......