Posts tagged with: vanilla bean

Is it possible I’ve never eaten Angel Food Cake before in my entire dessert-eating life? I’m trying to think back and I can maybe remember eating some as a kid, but I’m not 100% sure if it was Angel Food Cake, or just a random sponge cake from the grocery store. In any case, it......
Like so many other things in my foodie life, I had never heard of an Icebox Cake until I saw it on Smitten Kitchen a few years ago. The idea behind it is that you stack up chocolate wafer cookies with whipped cream, and let the whole thing set in the fridge overnight. The cookies......
Summer has arrived in all it’s hot, humid, sweaty glory. After complaining all winter about the polar vortex, I have vowed to embrace this summer, and any time where I start to complain about something heat related, I flash back to every freaking layer of clothing I had to put on back in January, and......
 I just checked to see the date of my last Baked Sunday Mornings recipe, and it was these Heartland Turtle Bars at the end of August. AUGUST! Six months ago! Unacceptable. Of course looking back, I can now see this coincided with the beginning of a big project at work (still ongoing!), which has made......
Does this look familiar? I didn’t even realize until I typed out the title to this blog post that this is basically a sweet version of the savoury Roasted Strawberry Goat Cheese Crostini. Well let me tell you, it was much better 🙂...