Posts tagged with: cocktail

The collection of rhubarb based cocktails here on Planet Byn is getting quite extensive, and I love it. We’ve made two simple syrups to stir into cocktails, infused vodka with strawberries and rhubarb, made a margarita with a jam base, and last summer a delicious mojito. I had this mint julep recipe bookmarked since last......
So it’s August, and I’m still on rhubarb over here. I know that blueberries, cherries and peaches are waiting for me, so I’ve decided that this is the last week for rhubarb in my kitchen. I made some strawberry rhubarb jam yesterday, am working on a rhubarb recipe today that I’ve had bookmarked for THREE......
Last week, our Gastropost Mission was all about Perfect Pairings. Obviously you can see where this is going! Here on Planet Byn, there is no better summer pairing than Strawberry & Rhubarb. If they were a celebrity couple we’d call them Strubarb. Or Rhuberry. I can’t decide which one I like better! This was the......
Summer has arrived in all it’s hot, humid, sweaty glory. After complaining all winter about the polar vortex, I have vowed to embrace this summer, and any time where I start to complain about something heat related, I flash back to every freaking layer of clothing I had to put on back in January, and......
  I know I just finished gushing about fresh, seasonal strawberries, and local Ontario fruit in general, but here’s a dirty little secret about me: I don’t like raspberries. Every year I try to convince myself otherwise, and bring home some hot pink little gems from the farmer’s market, but I think I’m finally ready......
Do you need a palate cleanser after all that Strawberry Rhubarb goodness? I don’t, because I can’t get enough, but let’s pause for the cause and have a delicious Watermelon Mojito. Here’s what I had to say, as I “Hit Refreshment” for this latest Gastropost Mission: My usual go-to summer refreshment is homemade watermelon lemonade,......
This isn’t really much of a recipe, but it must be recorded here for posterity, because this is too much of a good idea to forget. See, two years ago Tracy Shutterbean made some strawberry infused vodka, and it was something she and Joy talked about on one of the early episodes of the Joy......
Just over two years ago, I posted a recipe for Cocoa Brownies with Browned Butter & Walnuts, which was the cover recipe on the first issue of Bon Appetit I received in the subscription my friend Danielle got for me. I wrote about my major magazine hoarding tendencies, and two years later I can say......
Here’s a little peek into my favourite spot to spend a sunny summer afternoon. I love hanging out by the pool in my parents’ backyard and all I need is a fun summer book, a thick application of sunscreen and sometimes a bright, fresh cocktail as a treat. On this day my Mom and I read......
RHUBARB week rolls on over here with a foxy little drink I’ve been making for a few summers now. Fellow rhubarb lover Gwendolyn posted this recipe a couple of years ago, and it has the best story behind it (her grandmother’s nickname was Foxy Lady!). I can’t believe I haven’t posted this until now....