Posts tagged with: salted caramel

This is just a quick post to remind myself that this Double Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe is perfect. These cookies are thick, chewy, deeply chocolate-y and excellent for a variety of additions. I vividly remember being let down by the last double chocolate chip cookie recipe I tried last summer, because I included it in......
If you noticed things were a little quiet around here lately, this post will explain why! I was on a self-imposed baking hiatus for the month of August leading up this: my friend/former co-worker Emma’s wedding cake. Emma slid into my DMs on Instagram last December and asked if I would be willing to make......
The favourites I’ve blogged about to date have been pretty basic recipes that I’ve made countless times (buttercream, pancakes, muffins). Today I’m getting a little more trendy with my favourite Salted Caramel Sauce. I wanted to dedicate a post to this because like the buttercream, it’s on the blog, but buried as a component of......
Right now I’m sitting on my couch, waiting for Kristine’s sister Chi to come over for our second personal training session.  These doughnuts are only part of the reason why. At the beginning of the month I took a quick trip out west to visit with my WCBFFs, and this basically turned into a 4 day......
As my 1st blog-iversary approached, I knew I would use it as an excuse to get to some long-drooled-over recipes. At first I had my heart set on this Sweet and Salty Cake, but after Leianne’s birthday cupcakes, I thought I might be over the whole chocolate/salted caramel thing.  Then I was fixated on Crack......
I love baking treats for my friends for their birthdays, but I can easily get caught up in trying to decide what to make. I have endless bookmarked recipes on both my work and home laptops, bakebooks with post-its attached, and of course, my new food magazine supply; a stack which is growing at a concerning......