Posts tagged with: peanuts

Does this picture immediately stir up nostalgic feelings from your youth? Can you smell the Worcestershire sauce and garlic powder? Do you remember trying to hide bags of it from your brothers? No? Just me? When I was a kid, this snack mix – known in our house as Bits & Bites, Nuts & Bolts......
When one of your foodie friends is celebrating a big birthday, it’s time to bust out the big guns with a special cake. For Tasty G‘s big day, it had to be a Take 5 Birthday Cake. I wasn’t acquainted with the Take 5 Candy Bar until I met Heather. It’s her favourite, and whenever......
I’m very emotionally invested in the birthdays of my co-workers. If I know it’s your birthday, and you’re in the office, there will be treats on your special day. I don’t care if you won’t tell me the actual day (I celebrate birthmonths too), or don’t want to disclose your age (irrelevant to birthday treats)......
I showed an amazing amount of restraint by not bringing any treats into the office for the whole month. I was a little baked out after the holidays, plus people usually aren’t that excited to see baked goods when they’re on their January detox/cleanse/whatever. All that came to an end this week when I brought......