Posts tagged with: crumble

My baking soulmate (Danielle) and I get a good laugh out of our friends/family/customer cake requests. So many orders for plain vanilla or chocolate cakes. Even when we share a bunch of fun ideas, they still come back to just wanting the classics. I guess they’re classics for a reason though. Today’s cake is a......
Ontario peaches were so good this year! I was so excited, because last year they were definitely sub-par (at least the ones I bought). This Summer they were perfectly sweet, juicy and flavourful. I ate chopped peaches with yogurt and granola for my breakfast for about three weeks straight, and it was terrific. The only......
With both peach season and my funemployment coming to an end, I decided to go out with a bang and make Joy the Baker’s Peach Cobbler Cinnamon Rolls. This was a perfect baking project for the day before I started my new job. Lots of steps that can be worked on little by little throughout......
Does everyone out there know about FUNEMPLOYMENT?  I’m sure there are a few definitions, but for my purposes, funemployment is the space of time between finishing at one job and starting at a new one, when you have no responsibilities and can totally luxuriate in your jobless state, but with the safety net of knowing that......
It’s been a minute since I’ve made anything with cherries – fresh cherries that is, not that faux cherry chip goodness. I normally just like to eat baskets of them during the short stone fruit season, but Tracy Shutterbean posted these Cherry Pie Crumble Bars on her Instagram and I though I’d given them a try.......
Since my overall rhubarb inspiration was lacking this year, I decided to re-visit another stunner from the archives with this Strawberry Rhubarb Tart with Brown Butter Crumble. Back in 2011, I made this for Father’s Day, and my parents said it was the best thing I had ever made. I made it again for Father’s Day......
I feel like you often hear that it’s hard to make friends as an adult. I haven’t really found this to be the case, but I work in a huge company and have switched departments twice in the past three years, so have had the chance to meet a ton of new people. While it’s......
We had a big day here on Planet Byn last week. After exercising remarkable restraint for a whole month, I brought treats into my new office for the first time.  Based on some life advice from my baking spirit guide (Danielle: “You can’t show up on the first day with a six-layer cake”), I decided......
  Last Monday I had to leave work early to go to the dentist, and on the drive home, I noticed a bunch of traffic lights weren’t working. Hmmm, strange. It wasn’t raining, and there was no thunder or lightening, so I just thought it was one of those random things. When I got home......
For the past three years, Spring for me has been defined by the appearance of rhubarb in the farmer’s market near my house. It throws me into a frenzy, because it’s only in season for a short amount of time, and there are always so many recipes I want to make with this weird little vegetable.  So when......